Questions and answers

Insel Premium is located on the top floor of the Anna-Seiler-Haus, currently the most modern hospital in Switzerland. In addition to university medical care, our patients can look forward to an oasis of well-being and a view stretching from the Bernese Oberland to the Jura. Additional services offered by Insel Premium include:
  • Free choice of doctor and personal care by a specialist. Patients choose their medical carer from a pool of highly qualified specialists. The diverse range of expertise and specialisms at Inselspital is unique in the canton of Bern and beyond
  • Care by a patient care coordinator
  • Modern comforts in health-promoting single and twin rooms as well as haute cuisine and high-end hospitality.
You can find more information about our additional services here.

Insel Premium is Inselspital’s ward for supplementary insurance holders. Currently, patients from the the Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Neurology, Cardiovascular Surgery, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics, ENT, Plastic Surgery, Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery and Hand Surgery departments are being treated at Insel Premium – provided there are enough beds available. There are plans to integrate additional specialist medical departments. Those with medical contraindications (intensive care or intermediate care unit, isolation) who require a highly specialised care setting are not cared for at Insel Premium. You can, of course, enjoy all the additional benefits commensurate with your insurance class at the relevant specialist clinic. Women who have recently given birth, newborns and children with supplementary insurance, as well as patients undergoing outpatient treatment and rehabilitation, are treated in the specialist clinics on site, where they also benefit from the additional services for patients with private and semi-private insurance.

First and foremost, you need semi-private or private supplementary hospital insurance. If you have Flex insurance, please inform your insurer/us in good time before being admitted that you would like to be treated in the semi-private/private ward. Information on insurance cover can be found here. Your specialist clinic will offer you Premium services, provided you have no medical contraindications or special infrastructural requirements. If you don’t have semi-private or private supplementary insurance, you can simply pay to upgrade to a semi-private or private ward to enjoy all the benefits of Insel Premium. The best thing to do is to ask your insurance company and our Patient Management team about your options for upgrading.

If you have private or semi-private insurance or flex insurance and cannot be transferred to the Insel Premium ward, there might be various factors behind this. One decisive factor could be the state of your health. Patients on intensive or intermediate care units, in isolation or undergoing outpatient treatment and rehabilitation are not generally treated on the supplementary insurance ward. The Insel Premium ward is currently being expanded. As it stands, not all specialist departments have been integrated yet and therefore not all beds are available. The doctor treating you is best placed to judge where your in-patient treatment should take place and what gives you the best prospects for top quality medical treatment. By all means pass your questions onto them.

Patients with supplementary insurance who cannot be cared for at Insel Premium because they require special care (newborns, children, women who have recently given birth, patients in intensive care or IMC units, isolation or in outpatient treatment and rehabilitation) receive corresponding additional services in the relevant specialist departments or clinics. These include single and twin rooms, free choice of doctor, additional menu options and much more.